Our very own
Sarah Churchwell has been causing some buzz in the blogging world, as our friends at
america adrift have highlighted. Here's the first paragraph of her post on new political blog
The Motley Moose (cross-posted at the
Daily Kos):
Be careful what you wish for. Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when I was an earnest neophyte feminist at Vassar, earnestly debating the meanings of feminism, sexism, and choice, I used to wish, earnestly, that we would have a political campaign that actually discussed these issues. And this year I finally got one. Sort of. Only the disingenuousness of the conversation we're actually having is something that I, in my actual ingenuousness then, could never have envisioned. But democracy being what it is, and Republicans being what they are, it's turned into something very twisted, indeed.
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