Our friends at
as|peers have got in touch to let us know that they've put out a new call for papers. Interested graduate students should take a look
here. Here's a snippet:
Call for Papers On Migration and Mobility
Calls for submissions by 31 October 2008
American Studies has always been interested in different notions of migration. Publications and course catalogs around the world testify to the role it has played and continues to play in both scholarly research and academic teaching. Recent concepts of 'mobility' can contribute to a new and richer understanding of the movement of people. Thus, we are calling for submissions scrutinizing migration and mobility, their relation to cultures and identities, and the narratives, fictions, and plots they generate. We invite contributors to engage areas such as old and new groups of migrants, the various directions and scopes of ‘mobility,’ different spaces of migration, or any other theme relating to the topic.
In other news: Containing Multitudes will be regular updating again soon - complete with some exciting new student contributors. Stay tuned.
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