Thursday, 1 October 2015

Event: Radical Women in the Black Freedom Struggle – Black History Month 2015

Wednesday 7th October - Vernon Castle Room, Norwich Millennium Library, 5:30-7:30pm
Free and open to all. Part of Norwich and Norfolk Black History Month.

Dr. Becky Fraser and Dr. Nick Grant (UEA) examine the invaluable contribution women made to the black freedom struggle in both the United States and South Africa. Facing race, class and gender discrimination, black women have often been at the forefront of movements for social change and have worked tirelessly for both racial equality and women’s rights. This session will explore these issues through the lives of Sojourner Truth and Lilian Ngoyi. Sojourner Truth was a former African American slave turned radical abolitionist, who later campaigned for black female suffrage in the mid-nineteenth century. Lilian Masediba Ngoyi was a South African anti-apartheid activist and prominent member of the African National Congress Women’s League and Federation of South African Women. She was a defiant voice in South African politics and lead black women’s opposition to the extensions of apartheid pass laws to women. 

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